InsideOut is dedicated to intelligent, honest, and respectful discussion. Our target topics include good governance and political issues at large: we try very hard to resist partisan rhetoric in the process. From time to time, our topics may wander far and wide as events and emotions move us to focus on a subject matter that stirs our passion or our interests. And, at least once a year, we will include our travel journey, which expresses the trials, tribulations, and observations of trailering within the United States. Mostly, we invite your readership and your shared thoughts on topics critical to our mutual quality of life in the East Bay and beyond.

We invite readers to participate in the discussion by commenting on postings and other information contained herein. It is only with an open mind and respectful listening that we can come together to address the critical issues facing our country today. It doesn’t matter what side of the political spectrum each of us chooses for our own – most of us share the same goal of a strong, compassionate America that once again leads the free world.

We want food, clothing, and housing for us and our families. We hope to see our children grow and prosper. We all want to live safely in healthy communities. There are so many values and life dreams we share. We should not let others divide us. We should not let bias, prejudice, and assumptions prevent us from talking with one another. We can only solve the issues facing us today if we do it respectfully and together; by honestly talking together.

InsideOut is authored, edited, and curated by Fran David. Fran is a recently retired City Manager, a published writer, blogger, and consultant. It is her hope that this web site helps in some small way to further this much needed community conversation and mutual problem solving.

Follow her and InsideOut on Twitter @CogitatingFrog, and on LinkedIn at Fran David.